The India Teachers Service Project

In 2009, the Center for Global Teaching and Learning (CGT&L) was instrumental in the formation of the first organizational affiliate of ISTE (The International Society for Technology in Education) in India, named ICIE (the India Council for Integral Education).

One CGT&L staff member works on the board of ICIE, which is located in Puducherry, India. In 2010, ICIE purchased 30 acres of land where it plans to create a teacher and pre-service teacher training facility. CG&L and the UO College of Education will continue to be involved as this teacher-training project grows.

In 2010, CGT&L and ICIE wrote the The Ringtones Student-Designed Learning Content for Mobile Devices Project proposal to develop two technology enhanced classrooms: one in the slums of Mumbai and one in the poor rural schools near Puducherry. This proposal was funded by Hewlett Packard’s Catalyst Initiative: The New Learner Consortium.

CGT&L is proud of its partnership with ICIE and plans to continue this collaboration in the future.

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